Top Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball Gazers

Posted On 29 Apr, 2022

CEOs today care about growth, innovation, and efficiency.


Apocalyptic events such as COVID-19, political upheaval, and economic slow downs, disrupt business.

Despite this, the potential for digital businesses to thrive and outperform is clear.

In fact, force-multiplying inventions can help your company grow and advance strategically.

In this article, we share 6 technology reports from the best – Gartner, EY, Perkins Cole, Deloitte, McKinsey and IBM for 2022.

These are publicly available reports on Google Search. Some links may require you to register before you download.

  1. Gartner: Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022
  2. EY: Top 10 opportunities for technology companies in 2022
  3. Perkins Cole: 2022 Emerging Technology Trends
  4. Deloitte Tech Trends 2022 – Executive Summary
  5. The top trends in tech — executive summary download
  6. 5 Trends for 2022 and beyond: IBM

Top Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball Gazers

CEOs are interested in growth, digitalization, and efficiency. Events like COVID-19, political turmoil, and climate change regularly shake up organisations.

Despite this, the promise of digital business to thrive and outperform through upheavals is obvious.

IT leaders are responsible for supporting the technical side of digital business. You may use force-multiplying inventions to boost growth and strategically advance your company.

  • Trusted digital connectivity for your people and devices
  • Fast-scaling digital creativity solutions
  • Ability to innovate to accelerate business growth

These trends strengthen one other. Our top strategic technology trends for 2022 will help you scale, adapt, and grow with your CEO.

View Gartner’s Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022

EY: Top 10 opportunities for technology companies in 2022

Top Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball GazersTop Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball Gazers

The developing COVID-19 epidemic has shifted objectives for the worldwide IT industry. Recruiting and retaining motivated employees is now the top opportunity for the coming year.

In its annual study, Top 10 Opportunities for Technology Companies in 2022, EY ranks the industry’s key success factors.

View: EY’s Top 10 opportunities for technology companies in 2022

Top Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball Gazers

Technology—and the creative use of new technologies—has progressively influenced our lives and interactions with nature.

This paper examines 10 new and fledgling technologies that are not only altering today’s businesses, but also defining those of tomorrow.

Digital Media & Entertainment, Greentech, Healthtech & Medtech, Mobile Wireless Technology, Privacy & Security, Retail & E-Commerce, Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Spacetech.

View Perkins Cole – 2022 Emerging Technology Trends

Top Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball Gazers

Deloitte’s 13th annual Tech Trends report provides insights and inspiration to unlock innovation, build trust, and engineer advantage for your digital journey ahead. Explore the seven trends.

View: Deloitte Tech Trends 2022 – Executive Summary

Top Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball Gazers

These aren’t the newest, most cutting-edge technologies. But they attract the greatest startup capital, patent filings, and ramifications for how and where to compete, as well as the capabilities required to accelerate performance.

Massively faster computation is driving new convergences between technologies, groundbreaking discoveries in health and materials sciences, a slew of new product and service features, and a solid platform for reinventing enterprises, markets, industries and sectors.

View: The Top Trends In Tech: Executive Summary Download – McKinsey

Top Tech Trends For CEOs From 6 Famous Crystal Ball Gazers

The road to COVID recovery is long and steep for many. Global Talent is scarce. Supply chain disruption is rampant. 

It’s not a good place to grow. These challenges have created several opportunities for organisations willing to pivot. 

New business models are ready to take over where old ones failed.

To stay relevant, CEOs must consider open innovation, ecosystem alliances, and integrated customer experiences.

Their choices—and investments—today will determine which doors open tomorrow.

View: 5 Trends for 2022 and beyond – IBM


The COVID-19 outbreak has shifted global IT industry goals.

Technology has progressively influenced our lives and interactions with nature.

This roundup examined emerging technologies that are reshaping today’s and tomorrow’s businesses.


    Article by:

    Rajesh Haridas

    Rajesh Haridas is the founder and CEO of Consltek. He brings in 20+ years of experience working in the technology industry.

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